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During World War II, more than 600 United States planes were lost ferrying supplies between India and China.

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“It takes more than guts to write great poems about shattering truths, chronic pain and trauma, vulnerability in relationships, and regrettable sexual encounters.”

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By the end of World War II, the U.S. Navy was the foremost maritime power, eclipsing Britain’s Royal Navy. However, at the end of 1942, the U.S.

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Secrets, lies, and a murderous conspiracy . . . churn at the heart of Harlan Coben's blistering new novel.”

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If your “to do” list is never ending, set it aside, get cozy on the couch, and read Cal Newport’s Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout.

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“Korda writes that the tragedy of the First World War can best be understood not by reading histories, but rather by reading the poems, letters, diaries, and memoirs of the men who fought i

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easily merits five stars because of its ability to keep the reader interested until the end through its unusual and beautifully told story.”

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“Barker’s novel is a mesmerizing tour de force, from start to finish, full of surprises.”

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“Adam Gopnik’s reflections teach us how to free ourselves from the chains of expectations and let happiness find us.”

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“Only to the white man was nature a ‘wilderness’ and only to him was the land ‘infected’ with ‘wild animals’ and ‘savage’ people.”
—Luther Standing Bear

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“Perfect reading for a rainy day at the cottage, when nothing else will do but a charming and witty whodunit.”

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“Read this book for the story, the characters, and the setting, and savor it for the food and the recipes.”
